"As He Is, so Are We in This World."

WHAT a thing it is for us, walking in obedience in the Spirit, to be privileged and ABLE to look right up into heaven, and to know, on the authority and warrant of the Word of God, who “cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13), that we are, and not waiting to, be, but ARE members of Christ body, of His flesh, and of His bones; because, as BEING “the circumcision,” that is to say, CUT OFF from everything pertaining to nature and the —first Adam, we have, no existence at all before God apart from His Son, now at His right hand, TOGETHER WITH whom He made us ALIVE, having forgiven us all trespasses.
It only fellows, therefore,—for how could it possibly be otherwise?—that we are in this world as Christ is, that is, not morally, but in God’s account, sight, and thoughts, as taught in His Word, with which, and with which, and with which ALONE, FAITH has to do.
Here, then, she takes humble stand, and sets to her, seal that God is love, and shall be, too, in spite of all.
The ground of assurance is the blood of Christ—the power of assurance the Holy Ghost given: there is conflict with the world and Satan, but perfect peace with God.