Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(change). Two towns of Judah, one N. W. the other S.W. of Jerusalem, 16 miles distant (Josh. 15:33,43).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
1. Town in the west of Judah near Dan (Josh. 15:33). Identified. with Hasan, 31° 47' N, 34° 59' E.
2. Town in the low hills of Judah, probably to the S. W. of Jerusalem (Josh. 15:43).
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
probably a variation for 3466; Ashnah, the name of two places in Palestine
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
I will cause change
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Firmness; strong; fortified:―name of two places in Palestine, Josh. 15:33. {Firmitas}