At School

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YEARS ago I was traveling over a most beautiful mountain in the island of Jamaica. The buggy toiled up the mountain drawn by strong mules. At a turn in the road, I saw, almost hidden among the dense vegetation, a school.
It was a familiar sight, and yet strange. There were the desks and books and cane and teacher. But the little boys were dark skinned, and they wore very little clothing. Being a very hot country they had no walls to the school — just a roof held up by upright supports.
Now it is very necessary that boys and girls should be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic, and very desirable that they should know history, geography, chemistry, and a number of other things.
But all these things only fit a boy or girl for this life, and there is the life beyond to think about. There is another kind of learning much more important. So I stepped out of my buggy, and asked the teacher if I might speak to his boys for a moment about this other kind of learning.
I told them the wondrous story about the Lord Jesus Christ, His coming from heaven to die on the cross, the finished work of Calvary, and His going back to heaven a risen, glorious Saviour, and above all that, all this would be of no avail to them, unless they trusted Him as their own personal Saviour.
This was years ago, and these boys must all be grown-up men now. I wonder if the message was received by them?
But I turn from them and ask you, my dear young friend, have you been taught by God’s Holy Spirit this wonderful learning, which lasts forever? Have you received the Lord Jesus as your own Saviour? Do not rest till you know Him.