At the Gate

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Many years ago in England, a farmer was at work in his field when he saw a party of horsemen riding about his farm. He had one field over which he was especially anxious that they should not ride.
“Shut the gate to the field," he said to one of his boys, "and on no account let it be opened.”
The boy did as he was told, but was hardly at his post before the riders came up and ordered the gate to be opened. This the boy refused to do, stating the orders he had received and his determination not to disobey them. Threats and bribes were offered in vain.
After a while one of the huntsmen said in commanding tones, "My boy, you do not know me. I am the Duke of Wellington, and I command you to open that gate that I and my friends may pass through." (You will remember the Duke of Wellington was the general who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo.)
The boy lifted his cap and stood uncovered before the man whom all England delighted to honor, then answered firmly, "I am sure that the Duke of Wellington would not wish me to disobey orders. I must keep this gate shut and not allow anyone to pass except with my master's permission.”
Greatly pleased, the old warrior lifted his own hat and said, "I honor the boy or man who can neither be bribed nor frightened into doing wrong," and he handed the boy a gold coin. Then the Duke put spurs to his hours and galloped away. You are a gatekeeper, young believer, and your Master’s command is, “Be thou faithful unto death.” Are you ever tempted to drink or to smoke or to take drugs? Keep the gate of your mouth fast closed. When tempted to lie, to deal falsely close. When tempted to lie, to deal falsely, keep the gate of your heart fast shut against such temptation. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life." James 1:12.