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THE two girls left their playhouse, and what game do you suppose the boys were playing before one of them began to draw?
How intently each we is watching the drawing. Such a funny picture. What does it represent, and what made the boy think of such a drawing?
It would be good for us if we all gave as close attention to the lessons God has for its in the Bible. Satan despises the Word of God and tries in every way possible to prevent people from putting their mind upon it.
Have you ever noticed that a long Bible verse seems too hard to learn, although you can readily memorize much longer assignments for day school? It often seems harder to sit still through a Bible reading than when something else is being read.
God would have children to learn of Him for He says, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” Eccles. 12:1.
Timothy was commended for his early knowledge when the Holy Spirit through Paul wrote that he should continue in the things he had learned, knowing that,
“From a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Tim. 3:15.
Would you not like to belong to God’s nobility like the Bereans of whom it is written, that they were more noble than those in Thessalonica.— “THEY RECEIVED THE WORD WITH ALL READINESS OF MIND, AND SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES DAILY, WHETHER THOSE THINGS WERE SO.” Acts 17:11.