August 12

Acts 15:11
“We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as thee —Acts 15:11.
WE have the historical account of the mission of Peter to the home of Cornelius in Acts 10, and Peter’s own story, when challenged by the Jerusalem brethren, in chapter 11. In both it is evident that the river of grace, which had been artificially restrained by the dams of human ignorance and prejudice on the part of the believers in Judea, had burst all bounds and was now flowing out into all the world. Nevermore would it be possible to limit it to one particular nation, but the glad tidings of a full, free, and eternal salvation for all men everywhere, who will turn to God in repentance and trust His blessed Son, was destined to be carried to the uttermost parts of the earth, bringing life to the nations wherever the living waters should flow (Ezek. 47:9). The heart of God will never be satisfied until every man has heard the message of salvation and been given an opportunity to be saved by His grace.
“God from eternity hath willed.
All flesh shall His salvation see;
So be the Father’s love fulfilled,
The Saviour’s sufferings crowned
through thee.”
―James Montgomery.