August 23

Romans 10:12
“There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him”— Romans 10:12.
NATURALLY, we are all selfish and concerned about our own fancied importance and our personal recognition by others. Even in things religious we like to feel that we are the favorites of Providence and that others are of less importance in the divine economy than we and our group. It is the grace of God that delivers from all of this and makes us to know no man after the flesh (2 Cor. 5:16), but to see in all, sinners like ourselves, for whom Christ died, and who have the same title as we to the knowledge of His redemption. It is this conflict between man’s limitations and God’s boundless grace that we see as we study the early days of Christian missions. And even after nineteen centuries of gospel preaching, we have need still to be reminded that all are on the same level before God as helpless sinners, and for all the same salvation has been provided.
“God loved a world of sinners,
For them He gave His Son;
And whosoe’er receives Him,
He saves them, ev’ry one:
He came to bring salvation,
To bear our sins away,
That we with Him in glory
Might live through endless day.”
—James McGranahan.