August 26

Romans 12:4‑5
“For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another”— Romans 12:4, 5.
THE recognition of this unity of all Christians (not as denominations, but as individual members of Christ) results in practical fellowship and love for all saints. It destroys narrow sectarian prejudices and enables us to recognize every one redeemed by the precious blood of Christ as being one with us in Him. As in the human body, so it is in the spiritual Body of Christ. Just as when one is in health, each organ functions for the benefit of the whole, so it should ever be in the Church of God. To each has been committed some special responsibility which no one else can discharge.
“Let us join—’tis God commands—
Let us join our hearts and hands;
Help to gain our calling’s hope,
Build we each the other up:
Still forget the things behind,
Follow Christ in heart and mind,
Toward the mark unwearied press,
Seize the crown of righteousness.”