August 27

Romans 12:11
“Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord”— Romans 12:11.
EVER since the Fall, God has decreed that man shall earn his bread by toil, either with his hands or with his brain. The Christian should readily, see the wisdom of this. Realizing that honest work is in itself a safeguard against many temptations that beset mankind, he will not be disposed to quarrel with the declaration that “if a man will not work, neither shall he eat.” Whether he be owner or manager of a business or of some agricultural project, or an artisan, or mechanic, or office-helper, or a laborer, he is required to be conscientious in his service, doing all as unto the Lord. This will insure a care for the rights of his fellows and will keep him from overreaching or underpaying those in dependent positions. True Christianity involves faithfulness in every walk of life.
“How quickly time is passing!
The seasons come and
The summer with its sunshine,
The winter with its snow,
The springtime with its fragrance
Of bursting bud and bloom,
The short cool days of autumn—
All seem to pass too soon!
Our neighbors, friends and loved ones—
Their ranks are thinning out!
So many we find missing
Each time we look about.
We too are rushing onward,
Our days will soon be o’er,
Our places soon be vacant,
Our voices heard no more.
Will any heart be lighter
Because we’ve sojourned here?
Oh, are we truly trying
To scatter love and cheer―
To make the way seem brighter
To those we meet each day;
For, like the fleeting seasons,
We, too, shall pass away!”