Whether is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift? Matthew 23:19
Thanks be to God for the Altar that sanctifieth the gift, even our Lord Jesus Christ Himself! By Him we draw nigh unto God; to Him, as one with the Father, we offer our living sacrifice; in Him, as the Beloved of the Father, we know it is accepted. So, dear friends, when once He has wrought in us the desire to be altogether His own, and put into our hearts the prayer, "Take my life," let us go on our way rejoicing, believing that He has taken our lives, our hands, our feet, our voices, our intellects, our wills, our whole selves, to be ever, only, all for Him. Let us consider that a blessedly settled thing; not because of anything we have felt, or said, or done, but because we know that He heareth us, and because we know that He is true to His Word.
Only a mortal's powers, weak at their fullest strength;
Only a few swift-flashing hours, short at their fullest length.
All! for far more I owe than all I have to bring;
All! for my Savior loves me so! All! for I love my King!