August 4

John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” — John 3:16.
LUTHER called this verse, “The Miniature Bible.” Others have designated it, “The Gospel in a nutshell.” It tells of the infinite love of God to a ruined world, manifested by the supreme gift of His Only Begotten Son, who in grace became Man and gave Himself for our sins upon the cross in order that He might make expiation for our iniquities, that thus God might be able in righteousness to bestow the gift of life eternal on those who deserved eternal death. It is when we believe the message that we receive the benefits of the gospel. To believe is to trust. He who trusts alone in Christ Jesus for salvation shall never perish, but even now is the possessor of eternal life—a life that can never be forfeited.
“FOR GOD, the Lord of earth and Heaven,
SO LOVED, and longed to see forgiven,
THE WORLD in sin and pleasure mad,
THAT HE GAVE the greatest gift He had—
HIS ONLY SON—to take our place,
THAT WHOSOEVER—Oh, what grace! ―
BELIEVETH, placing simple trust
IN HIM, the righteous and the just,
SHOULD NOT PERISH, lost in sin,
— Barbara C. Ryberg.