Auntie's Great Reward

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
SOME, years ago a dear mother, —the subject of this story was called away from this earth to be with the Lord.
When this mother died, not one of her children was saved; all were apparently in total spiritual darkness. The burden of these children was felt heavily by their aunt, who earnestly prayed God to bring them to Himself, and who also did her utmost to lead them into the way of grace and salvation.
The eldest girl seemed much impressed by the earnest and loving words she heard, and O, how rejoiced was her aunt some little time after, when this niece paid her a visit. She heard her say she had found Christ, and wanted to serve Him, and to praise Him. And all this was true indeed, as the girl’s changed life and desires, most happily witnessed.
Her younger sister accompanied this happy Christian girl on this visit to her aunt, who, on hearing the good news, inquired of her,
“And how is it with you, dear?” “Auntie,” was the cold answer, “you must not talk to me about these things.”
A few months passed away, and the aunt again saw the younger sister, and again said to her, “Well, dear, and how is it with you now?”
Her bright, happy face gave me the answer before she replied,
“O! dear aunt, I have found Jesus. I know all my sins were laid upon Him when He died, and I am so happy.”
“You surprise me,” said the aunt, “for I did not know you were even anxious, dear.”
“O! auntie I have been wanting to know how my sins could be pardoned from the time I was a little girl, and sometimes I have been very unhappy, and since my dear mother died it has been a real, deep longing, I assure you. I have only known I was saved the last three weeks: I believed, but did not see it was for myself. And now, auntie, how I wish dear father was saved, and my brothers. Do pray for them.”
It was joy indeed to see her joy, and her deep longing for all whom she knew.
God is faithful who has promised. May we not count upon Him to hear all our prayers for our loved unsaved ones, while we make every effort to bring them to the Saviour’s feet, let us take God at His word, and not hinder His work by our unbelief.
“Seek ye the Lord while yet His ear
Is open to your call;
While offered mercy still is here,
Before His footstool fall.”
ML 02/15/1925