Avoiding Skunks

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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Lynn and her family enjoyed the birds and animals that lived in the woods near their home. The deer came close enough that the children, Marie and James, could watch them from their kitchen window. Many kinds of birds flew in and out of the trees. It was fun learning to identify God’s creatures.
One summer night, a scratching sound outside the bedroom window awakened Lynn. When the scratching continued for several minutes, she got out of bed and went to the back door. How thankful she was that she had switched on the light and looked out rather than opening the door. There on the back porch was a skunk! Since skunks do their food hunting in the dark, he didn’t like the porch light and slowly wandered off into the woods.
The next morning as Lynn thought of the night visitor she decided she had better warn Marie and James about the “danger” of skunks. Skunks are rather pretty furry animals with black and white markings. But they are well-known for the awful-smelling liquid they spray when frightened or in danger. The awful smell remains for days on anything the spray has touched. So Lynn explained this to the children and told them if they ever came close to a skunk to slowly, quietly walk away.
Most of us have been warned about the “danger” of sin. Have we taken it seriously? If the first time Marie or James see a skunk they go running and shouting after it, that would be both foolish and disobedient. “Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not” (Proverbs 8:33). So when we are warned of the “dangers” of being disobedient or doing other things that are wrong, we should listen and be wise and obey it. Just as Lynn warned her children to walk away from a skunk, Proverbs 4:15 gives the same warning about sin: “Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.”
If Marie or James ever got sprayed by a skunk, they would be miserable for quite a while. They would have to throw their clothes away, take many baths, perhaps even bathe in tomato juice which is supposed to remove skunk smell, but eventually the problem would clear up. But sin is different. It would not matter how many baths you had or how many good deeds you did to outweigh the bad, the sin would not go away. “Though thou wash thee with nitre, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before Me, saith the Lord God” (Jeremiah 2:22). There is only one remedy for sin. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Have you come to the Lord Jesus Christ to have Him wash your sins away? If you haven’t, do it now, and then He will be with you to help you avoid those “dangers” of sin. He loves you very much, and He’s waiting for you to come.