A CHRISTIAN mother once had left her little baby girl out in the yard to play. When she looked out a few minutes later she saw to her horror that the child had hold of a very poisonous snake. What could she do? She was afraid that if she ran out and took hold of the snake it would surely bite the child, and its bite would mean death. So she knelt down and earnestly prayed to God to keep her little one from being bitten by the snake.
Even as she arose from prayer, a tame cat came into the yard, and the little one still unharmed, seeing the pussy, threw the snake away, and began to stroke the cat.
The mother at once seized the child, hurried it from the place of danger, and poured out her thanks to the Lord for delivering the little one from harm.
Dear boys and girls, sin is like that poisonous snake. It looks harmless, but it is a dangerous plaything and it will bite at the end. We read in James 1:15, “Sin, when it is fished, bringeth forth death.” Hover, when we take the Lord Jesus into our hearts, sin loses its power to charm. Our hearts have something better, pleasures that leave no sting, that do not fade, even pleasures forevermore.