(Greek form of Babel). Capital city Babylonian empires. Situate on both sides of the Euphrates, 200 miles above its junction with the Tigris (Gen. 10:10; 11:4-9; Jer. 51:58; Isa. 45:1-3). Once the capital of Assyria (2 Chron. 33:11). Reached height of its splendor and strength under Nebuchadnezzar (Isa. 13:19; 14:4; 47:5; Jer. 51:41). Chief home of the captive Jews. Captured by Cyrus the Persian, through his leader Darius, B. C. 539, as prophesied (Jer. 51:31,39), and narrated (Dan. 5). Its decay dates from that date. In Rev. 14:8 and 17:18 Babylon represents the false Church remaining in the world for judgment after the Church of raptured believers is in heaven.