Bald Cypress Trees

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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“For by Him were all things created... visible and invisible... all things were created by Him, and for Him.” Colossians 1:16.
Every tree is a marvel of God’s creation. Think of the giant Sequoia that starts life as a small seed, wrapped in a cone, that has taken root in the moist ground. After pushing through the soil it may grow for as long as 4000 years, reaching a height of 300 feet or more. Or perhaps the word “tree” makes some think more of almond or fruit trees blooming in a grove in early summertime.
The Creator made the first trees three days before He created Adam. The trees already had fruit for Adam and Eve to eat when they were placed on the earth shortly afterward. When God looked on what He had created He “saw that it was good,” and it has been good ever since.
The bald cypress trees in the southern United States represent one of the unusual varieties. They grow right in water in swampy areas. They are sometimes called fat-bottomed cypress trees because of large bulbs at the base of their trunks which stand in water. Above the bulbs the trunks grow straight and tall, similar to pine or fir trees. But instead of needles, their branches are loaded with leaves that are vivid green through the summer and change into a beautiful orangy-pink in the fall.
One of the many groves of this lovely tree is called Moro Bottoms in Arkansas. It also has a wide variety of other trees in it, providing a spot nature lovers like to visit. Another, the Big Bend Wildlife Refuge in Florida, has beautiful displays of bald cypress. Also, in the nearby Everglades Park, trails and foot bridges enable visitors to get close to beautiful groves of this outstanding tree.
Another popular spot is in the Chicksaw Wildlife Refuge in western Tennessee. Paths allow visitors to reach out and touch the trunks of these trees standing so stately in water that reflects their colorful foliage. More can be seen in many other parks and reserves, one being the Black River Reserve of North Carolina which is home to some of the oldest bald cypress trees in North America. These unusual trees can also be seen in the Atchafalaya Swamp in Louisiana.
In addition to these trees, many other varieties help beautify these reserves, and visitors also often see colorful birds and a variety of water-loving animals. These all speak of the wonders of God’s creation and part of His design for the world around us.
Do you believe what the Bible tells us, that it was His creative wisdom and power that made these beautiful displays for us to enjoy? Here is one of the verses that assures us it is true: “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3. Also, “The living God... giveth us richly all things to enjoy.” 1 Timothy 6:17. I believe it. Do you?