be (dyed, made) red (ruddy)
Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
The arm of Gulf of Aden which separates Egypt from Arabia
“The sea” (Ex. 14:2,9,16,21,28; 15:1-19; Josh. 24:6-7). “Egyptian sea” (Isa. 11:15). “Sea of Suph,” weedy or reedy sea, translated “Red Sea” (Ex. 10:19; 13:18; 15:4; 23:31; Num. 21:4). In N. T., the Greek “Erythrean,” or Red Sea (Acts 7:36). At its head it separates into gulfs of Akaba and Suez, the latter of which the Israelites crossed.
Concise Bible Dictionary:
This art must have been acquired early. When the Tabernacle was erected the rams’ skins were dyed red (Ex. 25:5; Ex. 26:14). The tombs in Egypt show that the art was well understood there by the various colors yet visible. The word rendered “dyed attire” in Ezekiel 23:15 signifies head-bands, tiaras, turbans, of different colors. In Isaiah 63:1 The Lord Jesus is represented as coming from Edom and Bozrah with His garments dyed with the blood of His enemies, as one that treadeth in a wine-press is stained with the juice of the grape.
Dyeing in Africa
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Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy
KJV Usage:
be (dyed, made) red (ruddy)