I like fast trains, so whenever we travel in Europe, I am excited to ride the rails. Commuter trains in Western Europe go fast, often around 80 miles per hour, even on short trips. And the bullet trains go really fast, up to 186 miles per hour!
At each stop along the line, passengers get on and off. Sometimes the doors on the train are closed as it is waiting, but you can press a button beside the door to open it. There is a serious moment at each stop when the conductor closes all the doors for the last time. Because these trains run on a schedule, you must get on or off the train quickly. First the conductor loudly blows a warning whistle. Sometimes people jump on just in time at this last warning. Then the doors shut tight. I have seen people come running frantically to the closest coach after the doors close and press the button earnestly, trying to open the door. But it does not open; they are too late! Those latecomers’ faces often show disappointment and frustration.
Are you going to be “on time” for salvation? Have you put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ? Or are you waiting around until it may be too late? You need to accept Him as your Saviour NOW, so that your sins will be washed away, making you ready for heaven. “The blood of Jesus Christ His [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). You need to be saved NOW, because death can happen at any moment to any person. Even more important than that, the opportunity to be saved closes when the Lord Jesus returns to take all who have believed on His name to heaven. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Most people think that they are good enough for heaven but don’t realize how holy God really is. God hates sin! The Bible says, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Without trusting in the Lord Jesus, you can do nothing to save yourself. “Without faith it is impossible to please ... God” (Hebrews 11:6).
We were riding the bullet train and had arrived at our stop in an underground station. The train would continue nonstop to Paris. We quickly got off the train with our bags. A family behind us was calmly taking their time. The mother got off, then another woman, and then they helped the children down. Slowly they unloaded their suitcases. The two men still inside the train were chatting and doing something with another suitcase. Suddenly the warning whistle blew and the doors closed!
“Papa,” one of the children cried. But their father didn’t seem concerned. He tried to open the door from the inside by pressing the “door open” button. He and his friend seemed surprised when it didn’t open. He tried again. Then he seemed alarmed! He began punching and banging the door! His wife outside began to shout to him, but they couldn’t hear each other. The children began screaming, “Papa, Papa!” and their mother huddled down beside them on the platform. The other woman ran as fast as she could to the front of the train to try to catch the attention of the engineer. She shouted and waved her arms.
We knew how serious their situation was. The long nose of that train was pointed down the black tunnel to travel nonstop to Paris. These men were about to be separated from their families for quite a long time, just because they were too slow to get off the train. And there they stood, looking out the door window at the crying children and their silent mother on the platform with nothing they could do.
I know you would like to hear me say that we found a solution for them, but there was absolutely nothing we could do to help. But I can report that as we were climbing the stairs to go aboveground, I saw the engineer’s head poke out the window, and the frantic woman at the head of the train tried to tell him what had happened over the noise of the engine. That engineer had the ability to open the door, which he did for those men. If he had not heard that woman who ran to the head of the train, he would never have known about that situation, and the train would have left the station with the men still inside.
Those two men had a second chance, but God’s Word never says there will be a second chance for people who reject Christ. People like to think that there could be such a thing as a second chance, but the Bible does not teach that. The time to call on God’s grace and mercy is now! In the time of Noah’s ark, judgment was announced, and the way of escape was made. God left the door of the ark open for seven days for anyone who wanted to go in to be safe with the eight people who were already inside. It was free salvation for anyone who believed God’s message. Then God shut the door. After it began to rain and the floods came, the people outside would most certainly have changed their minds about getting into the ark. Noah did not see their agony—the only window was in the roof. But if he had seen them pleading with him to open the door, what could he have done? Nothing! God had shut the door.
God has set before you an open door. BE IN TIME!
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).
MEMORY VERSE: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23