Be Not Afraid, Only Believe.

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
S UCH were the -words addressed by the Lord Jesus Christ to the intensely earnest and loving-hearted Jairus, who fell at Jesus's feet, and " besought Him greatly "to come and heal his" little daughter " (Mark 5:22, 23, 35-43). MAR 5:22-43
When Jairus left his house his little daughter was "at the point of death," and scarcely had he reached Jesus, and implored Him to come and heal her, ere messengers arrived with the heart-crushing intelligence, " Thy daughter is dead "; but before the broken-hearted father had time to be stunned by this fresh, overwhelming news, the blessed, tenderhearted Saviour and Lord anticipated all the mournful thoughts that would at once rush into his heart, by saying, as it were, " It is all the same to Me whether she be sick or dead, as I am both Healer and Life-giver ";and thus He touchingly stayed up the sinking heart of the bereaved father with those five divinely comforting words, " Be not afraid, only believe.”
And is there no comfort in them for thee, poor, weary, anxious, trembling, doubting one? Are you saying, “My sins are too many? Oh, "only believe" in Him who had all our sins upon Him on the tree, suffered for them there once for all, and that His precious blood cleanseth from all sin!
Do you still say, “Ah! but I am lost, helpless, and guilty "? Thank God for showing it to you, and causing you to own it; and now, for your immediate and lasting comfort, remember that " the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost "; that God has laid help upon Him who is 'mighty to save "; and is saying to you," Thou hast destroyed thyself, but in Me is thine help; and God is now commending His love to you in the gift of His beloved Son for you, by saying, as it were (yes, though you are lost, hopeless, and guilty), "Christ died" for those who are "without strength," "ungodly," and “sinners." Therefore, poor anxious soul, “be not afraid, only believe.”
“A guilty, weak, and helpless worm,
On Thy kind arms I fall;
Be Thou my strength and righteousness,
My Saviour, and my all.”
The above verse was blessed to a young woman who had long been anxious about her immortal soul's present and everlasting salvation. She said, "When you were reading that hymn last night, I saw the whole way of salvation for sinners perfectly plainly, and wondered that I had never seen it before. I saw that I HAD NOTHING TO DO BUT TO TRUST IN CHRIST.”
A poor woman was dying. A servant of the Lord who had known her for years visited her, and said to her, "You seem to be very sick.”
"Yes," said she, "I am dying.”
He continued, "And are you ready to die?”
She lifted her eyes upon him, and replied, "Sir, God knows I have taken Hint at his word, and I am not afraid to die.”
And that is all you have to do, dear, anxious, inquiring sinner; however dark and desperate your case may be, still the Lord says to thee, "BE NOT AFRAID, ONLY BELIEVE.”
H. M. H.
Like the rock that was smitten in the wilderness, to give water to the thirsty people to save them from death, so Christ who was crucified is a river of life, and every needy soul that comes to Him finds it to be so of a truth.