Be Ye Holy, for I Am Holy

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
Lord Jesus, Savior! Thou whose glorious face,
We, all-expectant, would rejoice to see;
From whom, when once beheld, our ravish’d gaze
No more could wander, or desire to lose,
If only for a moment, such a sight
Of soul-transporting, satisfying bliss.
Oh, fill us with Thyself; yea, Lord, we long,
Nay, thirst, with ever-growing thirst for more
And more of Thee. Fain would we deeply drink
Into Thy patient spirit; Thine unwearied love,
Thy pure unselfishness that could not see
With unmoved heart, another’s sufferings;
Yet could and would in silence bear Thine own.
Oh, that while here in waiting attitude,
We who delight to call Thee Lord and bow
Most gladly to Thy sway, may even here
Have eyes, and hearts, and lives engrossed by Thee.