Rev. 7:9-17.
Before the Lamb, before the throne,
Behold a vast innumerous throng,
From every kindred, people, zone,
Of every various speech and tongue.
In snowy robes, with boughs of palm -
Their glory charm'd my raptured gaze;
While, jubilant, a lofty psalm
The many-voiced chorus raise.
Solemn and grand arose the strains;
And high the joyous anthem rung;
"Salvation to our God who reigns,
And to the Lamb!" the theme they sung.
And all the angels—gather'd round
The elders and the living four -
Fall with their faces to the ground,
And God upon the throne adore.
Amen! Let blessing, glory, power,
Thanksgiving, honor, wisdom, might,
Be to our God for evermore,
Through never-ending day and night!
Then said an elder, "What these bands,
Bright-shining in their white array,
With palms of victory in their hands?
O tell me, canst thou? whence came they.
"Outcame they to this glorious height,
From the great Tribulation-flood:
They've wash'd their robes and made them white
In the Lamb's precious cleansing blood.
"Therefore, before God's holy throne,
They day and night His praises tell;
Their worship He who reigns shall own,
And with them will forever dwell.
"Hunger no more, nor thirst, nor heat,
Nor sun-blight, shall they ever know;
Fed by the Lamb, who guides their feet
Where founts of living water flow.
"Grief ne'er shall cast a shadow there,
To cloud the gladness of the way;
And God Himself, with tenderest care,
Shall wipe all sorrowing tears away."