Beginning of Recent Testimony

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
In a recent number of the interesting papers on The Gospel and the Church, I notice this paragraph:—
“The eminent servant of Christ referred to already, who was God's instrument in the marvelous movement, wrote of those days at the request of a French religious journalist: “We were Only four men, who came together for the breaking of bread and prayer, on the authority of the word, 'Where two or three are gathered unto my Name, there am I in the midst of them.’”
One of these “four men” told me that the meetings had gone on for some time before this period was reached. The first meeting consisted (in 1825 I believe) of himself and the Misses D—y in Dublin; and it was a considerable time after this that “the eminent servant” referred to above joined them. [Before these ladies, E. C. and E. T. broke bread together. En. B.T.]
I asked him why he had not communicated these facts; and he replied that Mr. A. Miller, when writing his Short Papers on Church History, had sent him a paper with a number of questions on these subjects, desiring him to answer them; but that he had at the time doubted the advisability of publishing that portion of the book and had therefore refrained from giving the particulars asked for.
—Yours sincerely. J. C. B.