“Behold” (which means see or pay attention) is such a little word, but how important it is! It is found in the Bible more than twelve hundred times, because God has important things to tell us.
Sometimes God wants us to carefully consider something or look at someone or notice what He is about to do. In Matthew 6:26 the Lord would have us behold the birds of heaven with the purpose of learning lessons of faith from them. We are also told to “behold My servant” (Matthew 12:18), the Lord Jesus, if we want to see how a man walked in perfection through a world full of sin. When the women came to the sepulcher where the Lord was, they were told that “He is risen; He is not here: behold the place where they laid Him” (Mark 16:6). What wonderful news this was! Then the Lord told His disciples, “Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself” (Luke 24:39). This filled their sorrowing hearts with joy! After His ascension, Stephen said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56).
There are many other places where this important word “behold” is used, but we will stop here and see if you can locate a few references by yourself.
1. What did Pilate say when he presented Jesus to the people wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe? John 19:___
2. At midnight, what cry was made? Matthew 25:___
3. The Lord told Ananias, “Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight.” What was Saul of Tarsus doing there? Acts 9:___
4. Will Christians have to wait a long time for each to receive a reward?
Revelation 22:___
5. When John saw Jesus coming to him, what did he say? John 1:___