"Behold the Lamb of God"

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 20
Behold the Lamb of God, 'tis He
Who bore our judgment on the tree.
He bowed beneath sin's heavy load,
And died to bring us nigh to God.

His precious blood so freely shed,
When He for us on Calvary bled,
Avails before God's holy eye
To cover sins of scarlet dye.

The soul that trusts in Christ can say,
"My Savior put my sins away;
As Jesus is, e'en so am I,
Made meet for God's most holy eye.”

To those who trust in Christ alone,
And own themselves lost and undone,
"Clean every whit," is Jesus' word,
What joy, what peace those words afford.

O sinner, rest not till thou'rt sure
That thou, all guilty and impure,
Art cleansed from sin's defiling stain,
And brought, in Christ, to God again.

Then never from Him turn astray,
But follow "Jesus in the way";
So perfect peace shall fill thy soul,
And Christ Himself shall be thy goal.