THE world says, seeing is believing. God says, believing is seeing. The world’s maxim is familiar enough. Yet just as real is the truth that the man who believes shall see. Faith ever issues into vision. The man who trusts shall know. Unsaved reader, it is right here that you are making a fatal mistake, a mistake which will work your eternal ruin. You say you will not believe until you see. You say, “Show me a sign and I will come.” God says, “Come now and you will have the sign.” You say you must have some experience of Christ before you will believe in Christ. But know this. You will have a definite experience of Christ just as soon as you exercise a definite faith in Christ, and you will never have it before. When you believe the light will come. Have a definite transaction with Jesus Christ, and as surely as you do this you will definitely know the salvation of God. The way to prove the truth of the gospel is to try it for yourself. Christianity is a life, and a life cannot be verified by one who does not live it.
The doctor says to the patient, “Here is a medicine that will cure you.” The patient replies, “I will take it as soon as I feel it is curing me.” Will you thus dare trifle with the living God and His remedy for your sin?
How often does an itching desire for signs and wonders, proofs and evidences, conceal an evil heart of unbelief. Men do not want to believe the truth, and so they clamour for evidences that satisfy their own prejudices. The seat of unbelief is the heart; the will is not right. The Lord Jesus Christ said to the unbelieving Jews, “Ye will not come to me that ye may have life.” You cannot believe because you will not. On your own head be your blood.