Believing: Not an Uncertain Venture?

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AN infidel once said to a friend of ours, “The Gospel is just the very thing to meet man’s need if it were true!”
The first part of the remark was right enough as far as it went, but, alas! he was too unwise to try it for himself, though it would have cost him nothing; and made him a soul-gainer for eternity. The full extent of man’s ruin could only be known by God, and He alone could provide the suitable remedy. This He did, and far more, in the gift and work of His beloved Son.
Denying the truth of the Gospel does not make the Gospel untrue; nor does believing it make it more true than it really is. The great facts remain unchanged by either faith or unbelief. All who believe it prove it true for themselves.
More than once the question has been asked, Have you ever heard of a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ regretting that he ever trusted Him? NEVER! IMPOSSIBLE!! The only room for any regret would be that the Gospel concerning Him had not been accepted sooner. This fact alone should appeal to any upright person.
There could be no regret to the personal knowledge of sins forgiven, of deliverance from eternal judgment, of the blessed association with Christ in glory and a sure hope of a home of peace and joy and love forever in the Father’s house above, with a taste of the enjoyment of it on the way there. It is true that many a one has been heard saying, “I fear I have not faith enough!” But this is through a mistaken notion that faith in their faith is the great necessity! Whereas the real question is simply this, Is the SENDER of the tidings a Person to be trusted? And what is the answer? Of course He is! It is GOD HIMSELF, and “it is impossible for God to lie”! Once you see this, you will cease to be occupied with the quality of your faith. What uncertain venture is there in believing what God says about the trustworthiness of His beloved Son Jesus? Has He not highly exalted Him? Has He not crowned Him with glory and honor at His own right hand? (Heb. 2:9.)
Some years since an interesting conversation took place between two gentlemen in London.
(Full details of what transpired were afterward made public.)
One gentleman remarked to the other, that he considered the British people, generally, were very unbelieving; and that he believed he could prove it. One Saturday, therefore, after dressing himself up suitably, between twelve and one o’clock, he set out as “gutter-peddler” with one hundred pounds worth of absolutely genuine £5 Bank of England notes; and in three of the most prominent positions in the West End of London, he displayed his wares to the best advantage; and with outstretched arm, in a clear voice, and with great earnestness, he cried,
Out of the hundreds of passers-by, only two in different places were purchasers. On hearing the offer one of them said to his companion, ― “I’ll risk it: its only a penny!” To test the truth of the “peddler’s” words, he went (some-what skeptically) to the nearest bank; and to his surprise and delight, he received without any question whatever, five sovereigns in exchange for his note! Other applications would have followed; but to their disappointment the offers had ceased.
Now since the seller was unknown there certainly appeared some risk in paying even a penny for the note; but in believing the Gospel there is absolutely no risk whatever. The blessing is open to all, ―to every guilty creature, ― “without money and without price” ―not even a penny (Isa. 4:1). “By grace ye are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph. 2:8).
Let not the reader consider the Gospel either too good to be true, or too cheap. It cost the blessed Saviour much. The goodness of God to sinful men is the real secret of it―” the love of God which is in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:39). Prove it for yourself, by coming as an unworthy sinner to Jesus, and never, never will you regret it.
But bear this in mind, that it is possible to continue too long in unbelief, and if this should be your discovery at last, you will have a remorseful eternity to look back upon it. Be wise in time. In God’s Gospel is found His guarantee, with no risks, for every sinner owning his guilt and believing in Jesus. “Whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in Him” (Psa. 34:8). “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23).