Bethlehem's Star.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
(Num. 24:17. Matt. 2:2.)
Brightly shone a beauteous star,
In the firmament afar,
Telling of God’s love and power
In the very darkest hour.
Wise men watching saw its light,
Hailed its advent with delight;
For it heralded the birth
Of the King of kings to earth.
Long His advent was foretold,
In the prophecies of old;
Now they haste as on the wing
To behold the promised King.
To Jerusalem they came,
Bringing with them, in their train,
Costly treasures rich and rare;
Thus His worth did they declare.
Where is He who’s born thy King?
We desire to worship Him;
In the East we’ve seen His star,
And for this have traveled far.
Then the guilty Herod feared,
Asking when the star appeared;
Go and search in Bethlehem,
Come and bring me word again.
Then departing, lo, a sight
Filled their hearts with great delight,
For that star now led the way
To the place where Jesus lay.
Over Bethlehem it stayed,
O’er the house where He was laid;
Faith discerns God’s promised King,
Falling down, they worshipped Him.
Opening out their treasured store,
At His blessed feet they pour;
Gold and frankincense and myrrh,
What prophetic gifts they were.
For though glory was His sphere,
He would be an outcast here;
Yet His life to God how meet,
Every step a savor sweet.
Unto death obedient still,
He would do the Father’s will
Stooping to a cross of shame,
All God’s glory to sustain.
Now with glory He is crowned,
And His praise the heavens resound;
Soon the earth will own Him King,
And with loud hosanna’s ring.
For the Lord will come again,
Every eye shall see Him then;
Every tongue confess Him Lord,
Bow to Him with one accord.
Still amidst the darkness here,
There are watches far and near,
Witching through the long dark night,
For the morning star so bright.
For before that coming day,
When the earth shall own His sway;
To the watchers near and far,
He will give the morning star.
“I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star!” Rev. 22:17.
ML 02/17/1918