Bible Challenger-02-February Answers V.06

1. C omely
2. O utward appearance
3. U pright
4. N orth wind
5. T houghts
6. E xceeding glad
7. N abal
8. A ngel of God
9. N o more sad
10. C heerful countenance
11. E xcellent as the cedars
S. of Sol. 2:14
1 Sam. 16:7
Psa. 11:7
Prov. 25:23
Dan. 5:6
Psa. 21:6
1 Sam. 25:3
Judges 13:6
1 Sam. 1:18
Prov. 15:13
S. of Sol. 5:15
"Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, 0 Lord, in the light of Thy COUNTENANCE."
Psa. 89:15.