Bible Challenger: 2003 - (d)

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
The first letter of the following responses answers the following question: In an assembly of believers, those in a position of leadership should be submitted to. What is it they must give, and hopefully give joyfully, and not with grief? [1] The number in brackets indicates the number of words in each answer.
1. The time period in which a believer should be found rejoicing in the Lord. [1]
2. Something that was endured and its shame despised, due to the joy that lay beyond it. [1]
3. Which assembly was being addressed when the writer referred to himself as a “helper(s) of your joy”? [1]
4. Those who know Jehovah as their strength, song and salvation will trust and not be afraid. From where will they draw water with joy? [6]
5. Surely an example for us, we read of those who, though they hadn’t seen Jesus, loved him, and believing, they rejoiced with what manner of joy? [1]
6. A condition that can cause the Word of God to be given up when temptations come, though in recent times it had been received with joy. [2]
7. The greatest joy a spiritual father knows is to hear that his children are walking in what way? [1]