Bible Challenger: 2003 - (k)

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
The word formed by the first letters of the following responses answers the following question: With what does a virtuous woman gird her loins? [1] Numbers in brackets indicate the number of words in the answer.
1. Something believers should be, having girded up the loins of their mind, hoping to the end for the grace to be brought to them at the revelation of Jesus Christ. [1]
2. In taking the whole armor of God, with what are the loins to be girt about? [1]
3. In the day when the wolf, lamb, leopard, kid, calf, lion, cow and bear will all live in harmony, the great offspring of Jesse will judge the earth. Faithfulness is called the girdle of his loins. What is spoken of as being the girdle of his reins? [1]
4. By what river did the prophet Jeremiah hide a linen girdle, where it became spoiled, as a picture of what would happen to the Lord’s people? [1]
5. Though warned by a prophet who bound himself with Paul’s girdle, symbolizing his coming captivity, Paul was undaunted. What was he willing to not only be bound for, but also to die for? [5]
6. What type of girdle was worn by the One who appeared to John in the island of Patmos? [1]
7. Those who ate the Passover lamb were to do so with their loins girded, shoes on their feet and staff in their hand. Displayed on their houses without, what would the lamb’s blood be to them? [1]
8. What, besides locusts, did one who wore a leather girdle eat? [1]
Answers to these questions will be found, Lord willing, in the next issue of Christian Shepherd.
J. Short