The first letters of the following responses tell us the number of years one’s life might extend to, provided the strength remains, though life is soon to be cut off. [1] Numbers in brackets indicate the number of words in the answer.
1. A condition that one who had been young, and now was old, had never seen befall the righteous. [1]
2. The promise “I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you” was given to those whom the Lord had carried from the womb. To what stage of life was this promise good? [2]
3. Something that Onesimus was to his master in former times, but was completely changed, as a result of the ministry of Paul the aged. [1]
4. The hoary head is spoken of as a “crown of glory” if it be found in the way of what? [1]
5. The man who spoke these words: “Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy word: for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation.” [1]
6. Something spoken of as being the crown of old men. [2]
7. One who, at his birth, was called a “restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age” for his grandmother. [1]
8. To entreat an elder as a father is the right approach, should a concern arise. What tactic should be avoided? [1]
9. One who, in her old age, conceived a son who would be called the “prophet of the Highest.” [1]
Answers to these questions will be found, Lord willing, in the next issue of Christian Shepherd.
J. Short