In that long ago day when the mothers of Salem brought their children to the Lord Jesus, something happened which will be remembered forever. The Saviour welcomed them, and rebuked the “stern disciples” who would have kept them back. Although He is no longer here on earth, Jesus is the same loving Saviour still.
Infants Brought to Jesus
The mothers brought the babes in their arms to be touched and blessed by the Saviour (Luke 18:15). The disciples were displeased and rebuked these mothers. They thought the Lord could not be troubled with children so small that they could not understand what He said. But the. Lord of Heaven and earth gave them such a welcome, and said: “Of such is the kingdom of God.”
Children Invited by Jesus
“Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me” (Matt. 19:14), is the Word from the living Saviour on the throne of God today to “little children” the wide world over. It is the warrant for believing that He welcomes and saves little ones, of all ages, who come trusting in Him now.
Believing Little Ones
Some have denied that children of very tender years can believe in and be saved by the Son of God. On the contrary, the word of God assures us that they can. “Little ones which believe in Me” (Matt. 18:6) are especially named by the Lord. Such ones as Samuel, Josiah, Jeremiah and Timothy, prove that there were those who in their early years received a new life from God, even as it has been so with thousands of believing children since.
Singing Children
When the Lord Jesus entered the royal city of Jerusalem as Zion’s king (Matt. 21:15), the scribes and rulers gave Him no welcome. But the children, as they walked along, sang, “Hosanna.” The Lord was pleased with their song, for He quoted Psalm 8:2 to show they were fulfilling God’s word. “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise.” Matt. 21: 16.
Little Ones Safely Kept
“It is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.” Matt. 18: 14. The lambs of the flock are the shepherd’s special care (Isa. 40:11), and any who hurt them will have a terrible judgment (Matt. 18:6). They are the object of His Father’s love and care, as well.