These Conversations are the nearest possible approach to an actual Bible Class. The remarks made or questions asked have all been sent to the Editor by those under whose initials they appear. The subject of these Conversations during the year will be the Epistle to the Romans, divided as follows: —
Jan...Romans 1.
Feb.... Romans 2-3:20
March... Romans 3:21-5:2
April ... Romans 5:12-6
May... Romans 7
June... Romans 8.
July... Romans 9.
August ... Romans 10,11
Sept....Romans 12
Oct.... Romans 13.
Nov.... Romans 14-15:7
Dec.... Romans 15.
Attention is requested to the following rules for guidance:
1. —Initials or noms-de-plume should always be written on each sheet of the MSS., and retained in all subsequent communications.
2. —Queries, expositions, comments, original or selected references of all sorts, parallel passages and all descriptions of notes bearing on the Scripture selected are admissible. When original, the remarks will be simply inserted under the initials of the writer; when said to be selected, inverted commas will be added.
3. —All communications should be brief, plain, and pointed, all general commentaries on the whole passage being avoided. They may be shortened or omitted wholly or in part at the discretion of the Editor, every communication, however, being acknowledged at the head of each conversation.
4. —Any further queries arising out of previous Conversations will be answered or discussed in the usual way in “Bible Queries.”
5. —All readers of the Magazine can send contributions, no class being formed. They may contributed either occasionally or monthly.
6. —All papers for the March Conversation to be sent to “B. C.” Editor of B. S., 27 Paternoster Square, E.C., on or before the 25th instant.
Communications have been received from A. E. W. — 103 — H. S. — B.G. K. B. — Servitor — J. M. M. — C. H. P. — E. — M. A. — Yod — E. H. F — E. D. —A. S.