Bible Doves

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BIBLE DOVES — How gentle are the doves as they coo among the trees, or fly above the fields in summer. Perhaps we might learn some simple lessons from “Bible doves”.
SILLY DOVES — (Hosea 7:11) They expose themselves to danger, putting themselves in places where they may be caught, snared and made captive. They are like boys and girls with sin and Satan: exposed to death and judgment, unsaved. Doves have little or no por to defend themselves; their safety is in flight to a place of security.
THE DOVE IN THE ROCK—(Jer. 48:28). Their nest is in the cleft of the rock-safe from harm. This is like the sinner. He flees to Christ, the Rock of Ages, cleft to hide and shelter from coming judgment. The feeble dove is safe in that strong rock, while secure in Christ is the boy or girl that believes in Him!
THE DOVE IN THE ARK—(Gen. 8:8). She found no home, no rest in the great watery waste. She had to go back to the ark and be received there again. No true believer can ever find a home or portion amid the sins and pollutions of this world. In Christ alone is his refuge and peace. (Read Matthew 11:28,29; John 16: 23.) Are you safe in Him?
HARMLESS DOVES — (Matt. 10: 16). The dove does not sting. Gentleness is her nature: so the Christian “Blameless and harmless” (Phil. 2:15). Gentle unto all, like Christ: easily known in school and home. Not faultless; but seeking ever to do what pleases God. Exposed, saved, satisfied-transformed.
Without Christ—in Christ—With Christ—like Christ. Ask yourself: Where am I?” In these four pictures of the dove, you will find what and where you are.
ML 11/19/1967