Bible Lessons

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Exodus 29:21-46. Consecration of the
IN verse 21 we have the continuation of the thought we had before us last week, with these additions: oil was used, and instead of sprinkling certain parts to identify, and consecrate to Him, their whole person and garments were consecrated.
How important this is for all who know the Lord Jesus as their own Saviour. The Lord wants, not only our ear, hands and feet, but our whole person, and habits for Him; indeed, it is summed up in this,
“Son, give Me thine heart.” Prov. 23:26.
If we give Him our hearts, He will have all that we have, and He is worthy of all, seeing He gave His life for us, and will share with us all that He has, and heaven and earth are all His.
After this we have the offering, and unleavened bread presented to God, and waved before Him. This is typical of worship; and God the Father wants us to be worshipers in spirit and in truth. As the type before us points to Christ (for He was the consecrated One, and He was the unleavened bread, that is, the One in whom there was no sin), God wants us to present Christ to Him; in other words, speak to Him about His beloved Son.
Another point I would take notice of is, that a part of this offering was to be food for Aaron and his sons. God therefore wants us to feed upon Christ, have Him as our object, and find our delight in thinking and meditating on Him. As we do this, we shall become more like Him in our ways.
In the latter part of the chapter, we have the continual burnt offering to give us a type of what Christ is to God continually, as a sweet-smelling savor in giving Himself up to God in death. People generally see no beauty in Christ; their hearts are far from Him, so they do not care to talk about Him, or even think of Him, but He is God’s delight.
How is it with you, dear reader? Do you delight to think, and talk of Christ? Or is it with you, like the many who are so far from God, who have no love for Him. If the latter, you are choosing the lake of fire, which is the furthest place away from Him, but if He is your delight you shall have your portion with Him forever.
ML 08/27/1922