Bible Lessons

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Deuteronomy 6.
GOD, who loved His people, and would give them to know the only real, lasting happiness, here tells them in simple and plain words how to be happy. It is the very thing the world seeks, in pleasure and in sin, and never finds.
It is one God, not many gods, and He must have all our heart, all our wants, satisfied in Him, and all our strength spent for Him. Then if you are His child, love to Him will lead you to store up His word in your heart (verse 6), and to diligently tell others. Verse 7 is for fathers and mothers, but it is plain that the same principle applies to all, —talking of the Lord and heavenly things when sitting, walking, lying down and rising up. His ways and His thoughts (verse 8), and the believer’s home (verse 9), are all to tell of the One who has loved him and redeemed him. This is the key to happiness, indeed.
We become children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. (Gal. 3:26).
ML 10/05/1924