Bible Lessons

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
Listen from:
Joshua, Chapters 15 to 21.
IN these chapters we observe chiefly the exact possession of each tribe of the nine and one-half tribes who made their homes west of the Jordan. These details we shall not enter upon here; we may be sure that they will be read with the very greatest interest by the people of Israel in that time now fast approaching, when they are brought back to Canaan to possess their land as never before, when Israel’s Sun of Righteousness arises with healing in His wings (Malachi 4:2).
But we notice too that though the place for each tribe was definitely appointed by God, not one of them fully took possession. As to every one we are told that there was failure to drive out the enemies.
We must turn to the first chapter of Judges to find the full record as to this. “This story of human failure is repeated at every occasion throughout the Word of God. We found it in the account of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3; and in the brief statement about the world just before the Word in Genesis 6:5. We found “failure” written on Noah, head of a cleansed earth, when he became intoxicated in Genesis 9:20, 21; and we might mention portion after portion of the Scriptures to the same effect.
It is plain today, to spiritual minds. that the people of God have fallen very far short of taking possession of all that God has made theirs. His Word is plain but they have not made it their own.
There is one last enemy that will never he expelled until the Lord Jesus Himself takes His power, and that is Satan (Revelation 20:1-3), but whatever is permitted that is not of God in the lives and associations of God’s children, in its measure keeps them from the full enjoyment of the Christian’s portion. It is worldliness that causes much of the weakness and coldness of heart among believers today.
Summarizing the chapters: in 15, 10 and 17 we are told in turn of Judah, Ephraim and Manasseh taking their inheritance. In chapter 18, Joshua, after the tabernacle has been set up at Shiloh, seeks to stir the other tribes, because of their slackness in taking possession of the land (generally north of the first three tribes) and Benjamin’s portion is given. In chapter 19, Simeon, Zebulon, Issachar, Asher, Napthali and Dan in turn are located, and Joshua’s portion is given in Mount Ephraim.
In chapter 20, the cities of refuge west of the Jordan are appointed for the unintentional killer of a person; in this, as we have before noticed (Numbers 35). we see a picture of God’s provision of a Saviour for the lost, and of His actions toward Israel concerning the death of His Son, our Lord Jesus.
The 21St chapter gives the portions of the three divisions of the Levites. —Kohathites, Gershonites and Merarites and the sons of Aaron. The closing three verses call for our particular attention: what is of God is perfect. He gave all the land, gave them rest, delivered their enemies into their hands, and nothing of which He had spoken to His people failed. Blessed be God. His ways are unchanging in love to His own, however they may (and do) fail.
Do you believe the testimony He has given concerning His Son: And if so, are you not moved to seek to have Christ for the very object of your heart—to live for Him?
ML 09/06/1925