Bible Lessons

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1 Kings 7
SOLOMON took seven years to build the temple, and thirteen years for his own house. He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon. The latter was (let us say) 200 feet long and 100 feet wide, and 60 feet high. It was built of cedar. This house had a porch 100 feet long, 60 feet wide, and a porch for the throne where Solomon might judge. The house where Solomon lived had another court within the porch, and he made like this porch, a house for Pharaoh’s daughter whom he had married. All these buildings were of costly hewed stones.
It is thought that the temple prefigures the Father’s house (John 14:2) where the believers are to be brought to dwell. Solomon’s house then symbolizes the Church, God’s present dispensation of grace in connection with Christ; the house of the forest of Lebanon prefigures Christ’s glory among the Gentiles in a future day; so also Pharaoh’s daughter’s house tells of the wider glories of Christ’s millennial reign, and the bringing into blessing and favor of the Gentiles.
The work of Hiram (verses 13 and following) is next detailed. This no doubt prefigures the employment of Gentiles in the building of the future temple of God on earth. Two brass pillars were made for, or near, the porch of the temple; they were named Jachin (He will establish), and Boaz (in Him is strength). (See Revelation 3:12 which appears to allude to these pillars). The rest of the equipment made by Hiram, corresponds to what was ordered for the tabernacle in the wilderness, but their number is greater. The molten sea is the “laver” of Exodus 30:18-21, but all was grander, and more glorious. None of the vessels were weighed, because there were so many.
Silver and gold and vessels that David had dedicated were brought in, and the house was finished.
ML 05/29/1927