Psalms 92. 93
Psalms 90, 91 and 92 together form an introduction to the subject which occupies Psalms 93 to 100, that Jehovah (“the Lord”) reigns. In Psalm 45 the immediate results of the Lord’s coming to deliver the remnant are seen, and more in Psalms 66-68 and 72. But that He will not immediately set up His throne at Jerusalem seems plain. The exercises disclosed in various psalms must first be experienced by His people, and great changes will take place before the Messiah reigns (see Matthew 25:31-46; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Zechariah 13:8, 9; 14:8; Romans 8:19-22; Isaiah 2:4; 11:6-9 and 55:13).
Psalm 92 is a song of thanksgiving in the day of rest on account of the redemption wrought by God. The wicked had sprung up as the grass, and flourished, but destruction has come upon them; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered. The righteous shall now shoot forth like a palm tree. Thus are the full results of the Messiah’s coming to be seen.
Psalm 93 begins the word: “Jehovah reigns!” He has clothed Himself with majesty and girded Himself with strength. The floods (or rivers) of lawless men had risen against Him, but He is mightier than the voices of many waters. His testimonies are very sure, so that faith can count (and has counted) upon them at all times. And holiness suits His house Forever.
How comprehensive is this short psalm! It reaches from past eternity (in verse 2) to the settled order of the millennium (verse 5). It begins with the simple statement that Jehovah reigns, and it shortly states that He is mightier than the voices of many waters, than the mighty breakers of the sea, thus picturing the sinners who have stood against Him. So we have the Lord, and wicked men, and the blessed ones here; the trials and dangers of the way are over, and, as to the discouragements and weariness of it, forgotten.
ML 06/14/1931