Bible Queries: Vol. 3, 249-308

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 21min
 •  16 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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Q. 249. Do not the following passages of Scripture authorize sacramental confession and priestly absolution?-John 20:23; Matt. 16:19; 23:18. M. H. U.
A. The term " sacramental confession " has no distinct scriptural meaning; and there is no such thing in Christianity, (though there was in Judaism,) as priestly absolution; that is, absolution by a priest as in Leviticus, &c. All God's children are priests, men and women, (1 Peter 2) and no other priesthood exists in Christianity. Now to turn to the passage referred to. John 20:23 gives the power of remitting and retaining sins, to a company, in which were probably women (20:18), and certainly others in addition to the eleven apostles (Luke 24:33), besides the two just returned from Emmaus (Luke 24:35). So that this power was not here given to an individual, nor to a body of apostles, hut to a company of disciples gathered round their Lord. For another proof of this see Matt. 18:18-20, where the power is again spoken of, and again connected with a body of disciples gathered together (though but two or three) and Jesus in their midst, at least in spirit, if not (as in John) in body. A practical carrying out of the power thus committed to believers may be seen as to retaining sin in 1 Cor. 5:4,5; and as to remitting sin in 2 Cor. 2:6,7, when on the man's repentance, he was restored. The power is not connected with a class, but with any company of believers (assembly or church) truly gathered to His name. Matt. 16:19 refers to Peter, and to Peter only. He used the keys for Jews in Acts 2; and for Gentiles, most unwillingly, in Acts 10 The bearing of Matt. 23:18 on the question we do not see.
Q. 250. Does it not seem from Rev. 8:3 that it is pleasing to God for us to offer incense with our prayers? M. H. u.
A. Certainly; only do not let us confound the earthly shadow in all these things with the spiritual substance. The Book of Revelation like the Old Testament is full of symbols. In the Old Testament we see a literal altar, in the New Testament (Heb. 13),a spiritual one, which is Christ; in the Old Testament literal priests, in the New Testament spiritual priests (1 Peter 2) In the Old Testament, literal sacrifices, in the New Testament (Heb. 13) spiritual; and in the Old Testament literal incense, in the New Testament spiritual-that is, the fragrance of the name of Christ.
Q. 251. Luke 23:45. Did the Jews ever repair the veil in their temple? s. P. T.
A. We do not know that they did.
Q. 252. John 14:17. Was the Holy Ghost in the world at the same time as Christ? I thought He came at Pentecost; but Jesus says in this verse, " He dwelleth with you." s. P. T.
A. Not as a separate Person. He descended at Pentecost. All, however, before then, were born of the Spirit.
Q. 253. John 19:25. Does this mean His mother's sister, also the wife of Cleophas; or that Mary the wife of Cleophas was sister to the Lord's mother? s. P. T.
A. Probably the latter.
Q. 254. John 19:31. Would the Jews eat the Passover that same night? s. p. T.
A. Certainly.
Q. 255. John 20:17. Why had Mary not to touch the Lord? In Matt. 28:9 the women "held Him by the feet." In Luke 23:43, He said to the thief, " To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise "; but here, that He is not yet ascended to His Father. Did He not ascend to His Father till after forty days? S. P. T.
A. Because John represents His heavenly glory, Matthew His relationship to His earthly people. Paradise is not heaven. We have no record of Christ's ascension till after forty days.
Q. 256. John 20:22. Is this the same Spirit as Acts 2? S. P. T.
A. Yes; only He was indwelling before (" in you"); then as a distinct Person (" with you ").
Q. 257. John 21:4. Had the Lord the same body after His resurrection? The disciples did not know Him; Mary thought He was the gardener; and the two on the way to Emmaus did not know Him either. S. P. T.
A. No; it was a glorified body. In one sense it was the same, as to identity, for He had the marks of the crucifixion; in another it was not, for it was a glorified body.
Q. 258. Acts 1:21-26. Were the apostles wrong in so acting before the power of the Holy Ghost had come upon them? Could Christians now follow their example in a case of difficulty? S. P. T.
A. No; but we should be, because the Spirit has now come.'
Q. 259. (1) Acts 2:3. Why were the tongues cloven? (2) Acts 4:36. Could a Levite possess land? S. P. T.
A. (1) We do not know. (2) Not by inheritance.
Q. 260. Acts 6:5. At "Nicolas" my Bible refers to Rev. 2:6,15. Had he anything to do with the Nicolaitanes? s. P. T.
A. The Nicolaitanes claimed Nicolas as their founder.
Q. 261. What does " If they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in a dry" mean? (Luke 23:31.) E. L.
A. Christ was the true " green tree," and if these things were done unto Him, what would become of Judaism without God?
Q. 262. What was the "solemn assembly" of Num. 29:35? How became the sacrifices of Num. 28;27, a sweet savor unto the Lord? L. L.
A. The eighth day of the feast of tabernacles: see John 7:37. We do not understand the rest of your query.
Q. 263. What did Thomas mean in John 11:16, in saying " Let us also go, that we may die with him " (Lazarus)? E. L.
A. The "him " meant Christ; because it was almost certain death for Him to return into Jewry.
Q. 264. Are we not still disciples even though we are not continuing steadfastly?-" if ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed." (John 8:31.) E. L.
A. Some are disciples who follow afar off; but it could not be said of them " ye are my disciples indeed."
Q. 265. In John 18:1, the place where the Lord went is called the brook Cedron; in Luke 22:39, it is called the Mount of Olives; in Matthew and Mark it is called Gethsemane: please state why named differently. E. L.
A. The brook Cedron separated the Mount of Olives from Jerusalem, and by its side was the Garden of Gethsemane.
Q. 266. Is there any expression in the word of God of being "washed in the blood of Christ "? (the A. V. of Rev. 1:5 excepted). E. M. B.
A. Not that we know of. The constant or repeated washing in the blood of Christ is absolutely an unsound and unscriptural thought. The washing of water is by the Word.
Q. 267. Please explain the words "I die daily." E. M. B.
A. Paul probably meant he was in daily expectation of death.
O. 268. How is Heb. 11:13, "These all not having received the promises" to be understood in connection with ver. 17, " he that had received the promises "? E M. B.
A. Ver. 17) simply refers to the promise of ver. 11, not of ver. 13.
Q. 269. Will you kindly explain " For so He giveth His beloved sleep "? (Psa. 127:2). E. M. B.
A. It is thought to mean God gives to His beloved all they need without their seeking it-even when sleeping.
Q. 270. Please state the difference between the temple and the synagogue. E. M. B.
A. In the temple alone sacrifices could be offered. The synagogues were merely for reading and prayer.
Q. 271. Does scripture sanction capital punishment for murder, in this dispensation? E.
A. We must not confuse God's government of this world with His present work of calling a people out of it. These have nothing to do with the laws save to obey them. The principles of His government are, we believe, unchanged.
Q. 272. What is the iniquity of the holy things? (Ex. 28:38). E.
A. We cannot say. Perhaps some correspondent will send an answer.
Q. 273. Did Peter do wrong in going fishing? (John 21:3). E.
A. See Luke 22:35, 36. This scripture forbids us from condemning him absolutely.
Q. 274. Does "No, not to eat" refer to the Lord's Supper? (1 Cor. 5:11). IOTA.
A. See Q. 305.
Q. 275. Will none but the wicked stand before the "great white throne " to be judged? If so, why is it said " And every one whose name was not written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire "? IOTA.
A. Yes. To show that, although they were wicked, they will not be condemned merely on account of their evil deeds, but on account of their rejection of the grace which would have inscribed even their names in the Book of Life.
Q. 276. Please explain 1 Cor. 14:22-25, which seems contradictory. IOTA.
A. He shows that even prophecy the sphere of which is within, is more profitable than if all speak with unknown tongues, without an interpreter.
Q. 277. What is meant by defrauding one another by consent for a time? why is it permitted? (1 Cor. 7:5). IOTA.
A. It simply means living apart.
Q. 278. Please explain the expression "He speaketh with his feet "? (Prov. 6:13). IOTA.
A. His feet show which way he Is going.
Q. 279. Is 2 Cor. 7:12, 25, 40, inspired? If it be, why does Paul say in the 12Th verse, " not the Lord," and in the 25th "I give my judgment "? IOTA.
A. It is recorded for our instruction by inspiration, just as a great deal that Paul said in the Acts, though he was not inspired to say the one Dr the other.
Q. 280. Is the Ark of the testimony (Lev. 16:13, Ex. 39:35) the same as the ark of the covenant (1 Chron. 28:18; Heb. 9:4)? 36.
A. The ark was the same, although the mercy-seat or cover seems to have been different. In the wilderness, the cherubim bowed down their faces towards the mercy-seat; in the temple they stood erect, their faces looking eastward.
Q. 281. Is not that text, " Behold I, and the children which God hath given me" (Heb. 2;13), meant for Jesus and those who love Him? I have so often heard it referred to as meaning those who speak to others about their souls' salvation, and are the means of bringing them to Jesus, such as Sunday School teachers and others; but I should think it is meant for " He that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified." Is this correct? 36.
A. Yes; it refers only to Christ.
Q. 282. How did Saul of Tarsus make Christians blaspheme? (Acts 26:11). J. K. E.
A. By forcing them to deny Christ under penalty of death.
Q. 283. Would you please help me out of what seems a contradiction. See Josh. 11:23; 13:1 (latter part); also 21:43,-45; and the most of Judg. 1, and Heb. 4:8. One part says the whole land was taken, and rested, the other part says it was not. J. K. E.
A. They entered into rest in a measure, literally, but not, as Judges, &c., soon, showed, permanently or spiritually, because of their unbelief.
Q. 284. Is there such a thing in scripture as infant sprinkling or infant immersion: in other words, baptism before conversion? J. K. E.
A. We do not know of any scripture that directly speaks of infant baptism.
Q. 285. Do John 5:18; 10:33, 19:7, with 20:31, show inconsistency, or what do the passages mean?
A. We do not see any difficulty. In both cases Jesus claimed to be God.
Q. 286. 1 Sam. 15:31. Why did Samuel go back with Saul to worship? Saul had told him plainly that all he cared for was to be honored before the people. E. S. G.
A. Samuel was bound to go, in a certain way when asked.
Q. 287. Was Doeg the Edomite, mentioned in 1 Sam. 21:7, a proselyte to the Jewish religion? What is the meaning of " detained before the Lord "? E. S. G.
A. Probably. Most likely on account of some vow.
Q. 288. Who was " the Angel of the Lord," mentioned in Matt. 1:20? E. S. G.
A. Was it not Gabriel?
Q. 289. How did the wise men from the East worship Christ?-as the Savior of the world, or as a temporal king? They must have stood in some connection to revealed religion. E. S. G.
A. As a King whose advent, through general report, founded on the ancient prophecies, was generally expected at the time throughout the EastQ. 290. What is meant in Heb. 2:2, by "the word spoken by angels"?
A. It refers to the Law. See Acts 7:53.
Q. 291. How should the Revelation of John be studied? I find it difficult to distinguish between fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecy. S. G.
A. By getting the main outlines clear first. Chapter 1-3 being church truth; 4-19 the various events of Daniel's last week; 20-22 The millennial and eternal states.
Q. 292. What am I to understand by the words, "And the evening and the morning were the first day"? Are these periods of twenty-four hours? I cannot understand how it can mean long periods (Gen. 1:5). T. H.
A. We believe it means periods of twenty-four hours.
Q. 293. What does it mean, "And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron," &c.? Gen. 23:16. T. H.
A. It means he paid them the money.
Q. 294. Please give the situation of Mesopotamia. (Gen. 24:10). T. H.
A. It was a tract 'of country lying, as the word means, between two rivers (Euphrates and Tigris).
Q. 295. Are not the days in Deut. 5:13, the same in duration as were established in the creation? (Gen. 1:5). T. H.
A. Yes.
Q. 296. Explain "By the great force of my disease is my garment changed," &c. (Job 30:18). T. H.
A. It probably refers to his skin.
Q. 297. What am I to understand by these words: " Let no man deceive you by any means," and following words in 2 Thess. 2:3? T. H.
A. They were not to believe any that told them that the day of Christ had come.
Q. 298. Briefly explain " God shall send them strong delusion," &c. (2 Thess. 2:11). T. H.
A. God will then allow. Satan full power to go forth and deceive the nations.
Q. 299. Explain "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them." (Rev. 17:14.) T. H.
A. It refers to the battle of the Kings round Jerusalem.
Q. 300. Why are the three tribes only mentioned in Psa. 80:2? H. C.
A. If you study Num. 2, you will see that the three tribes nearest the door of the court of the tabernacle, were Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun, on the east side; and that opposite to them, on the west side, and consequently nearest to the Holy of Holies and the pillar of fire that rested on it, were Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh. This at once answers your question.
Q. 301. Does Jude 6 prove that Satan is a fallen angel? H. C.
A. It proves there are such things as fallen angels, but more probably refers generally to Gen. 6 We gather more of Satan's history from Ezekiel.
Q. 302. Please say on what the grounds twenty-four elders in Rev. 4:4 are identified with the Church. Some think that the Old Testament saints are meant. H. C.
A. The churches disappear from earth at the close of Chapter 3, and the elders are seen in heaven in Chapter 4. They do not represent the whole 'priesthood (seer 1 Chron. 24.) but were merely the heads: the great body we see in Chapter 14 Again the twenty-four elders disappear from the scene, before the Bride of the Lamb appears in the close of the Book. These, and other considerations, have led Bible Students to regard the church on earth at the beginning of the book, the twenty-four elders in the middle, and the Bride and Heavenly City at the end, as various aspects of the same body. Other grounds no doubt exist, which perhaps some of our correspondents will supply.
Q. 303. (1) Who are meant by "sons of God" (Job 1:6.)? (2) What is the meaning of Matt. 5:5-" The meek shall inherit the earth "? S. E.
A. (1) The angels. (2) Only such should be among the subjects of Christ in the coming kingdom; all violence and pride being banished from it.
Q. 304. What is meant by the "laying on of hands"? (Heb. 6:2). A. C.
A. It may be in conferring blessing, or a sign of identification.
Q. 305. (1) Is Lazarus sitting at the table a type of the Church, or rather of those called to the marriage supper of the Lamb?-John 12:2. (2) Is "to eat," in 1 Cor. 5:11, eating the Lord's Supper, or at one's own house? T. B.
A. (1) We could not say " a type "; we might see an illustration of the position of the heavenly saints in the place he occupies. (2) Most probably at one's own house.
Q. 306. (1) Why is it "God of our Lord Jesus Christ," in Eph. 1:17; and " Father of our Lord Jesus Christ," in Chapter 3:14? (2) What is the definite meaning of "hate," in Luke 14:26? T. B.
A. (1) The first is in connection with the Godhead and power of God; the second, with His Fatherhood and love. Moreover, when the God of Christ is spoken of, Be is looked at as Man; when the Father of Christ is spoken of, He is looked at as Son. (2) Does not the parallel passage in Matthew explain it?
Q. 307. Rebekah being a type of the Church, or Bride, in Gen. 24, whom do her brother and mother set forth; and what do the " precious things " (ver. 53) typify? T. B.
A. We do not know whom her relations typify; but the "precious things" are doubtless the foretastes of heavenly glories that Christians even now enjoy.
Q. 308. From Matt. 13:30, 39-43, it would appear that the wicked will be taken from amongst the righteous; whilst in Matt. 24:31 (compare with Luke 21:28), the saints will be taken first from amongst the wicked, from the great tribulation coming on the earth. R. Ο. Ο.
A. In Matt. 13 the wicked are gathered together in bundles, preparatory to burning; but the righteous are, as you say, first removed from the scene, before the burning actually takes place.