The Children’s Class
1.“Believe the gospel.”
2.“No need of the physician.”
3.“Danger of eternal damnation.”
4.“Hear the word, and receive it.”
5.“Great things the Lord hath done.”
6.“Moved with compassion.”
7.“Whosoever shall lose his life.”
The Young People’s Class Five Words
1.By what comparison does the Apostle show the value of FIVE WORDS spoken for the benefit of others? 1 Cor. 14.
2.Select FIVE-WORDS that have been a comfort to God’s people through the years. Psa. 23.
3.What FIVE-WORDS introduced the Lord Jesus as the Lamb of God? John 1.
4.What FIVE-WORDS tell us the basis of our being saved? Eph. 2.
5.What FIVE-WORDS gave the disciples the promise of peace in the Lord’s absence? John 14.
6.What FIVE-WORDS remind us how often we should find joy in the Lord? Phil. 4.
7.What FIVE-WORDS does the Lord use in telling of His coming for the Church? Rev. 22.
ML 12/05/1965