The Children’s Class
1. “Your names are written in heaven.”
2.“Enter in at the strait gate.”
3.“No servant can serve two masters.”
4.“Hear the Word of God, and keep it.”
5.“Take up his cross daily.”
6.“Joy in the presence of the angels.”
7.“Which knew his lord’s will.”
The Young People’s Class Riches
There is nothing that the natural heart would like better than to get rich quickly, and since we live in an age of prosperity (in these lands), we have to watch against this snare. The Lord Jesus said, “Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth,” Luke 12:15, and then in contrast with this He spoke of the true riches which abide forever. And yet in spite of this how often our poor hearts seem to lay greater stress on the riches that pass away!
What a contrast to our selfish hearts we see in the One who was truly rich—to whom everything belonged as the Creator of all things—and yet for our sakes He became poor—so poor that He could say, “show me a penny.” Why did He become so poor? Oh, it was that we might be rich—rich with the true riches—that we might be made heirs of God and joint-heirs with Him. Yes, all this has come to us because He became so poor, even unto death, and that the death of the cross.
Dear young Christian, does not this world look pretty dim in comparison with these true riches? Has it anything to offer that will compare with our portion in Christ? Truly a glimpse by faith of the true riches will set us free from the desire for the riches of earth which only bring trouble and sorrow with them. “Labor not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom.” Prov. 23:4.
1.What does God say of those that WILL BE rich? 1 Timothy.
2.What kept the ruler who came to Jesus from following Him? Luke 18.
3.Is God pleased with those who feel they have “need of nothing”? Rev. 3.
4.What charge is given to those who are rich in this world? 1 Tim.
5.In what has God been rich in His love to us? Ephesians.
6.Who was rich, yet for our sakes became poor, and why did He do it? 2 Cor. 8.
7.Could the rich give more than the poor in the ransom money? Exodus 30.
ML 02/04/1951