Bible Questions for June

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The Children’s Class
1. “Obey God rather than men.”
2. “Thy money perish with thee.”
3.“Right in the sight of God.”
4.“Suffer for My name’s sake.”
5.“Being seen of them forty days.”
6.“The glory of God, and Jesus.”
7.“Call on the name of the Lord.”
The Young People’s Class Hell
While people freely admit that here is a heaven they do not lide to believe there is a hell. They do not like to think about the stern realities of such a place—they preger to try to persuade themselves that it is only amyth, or a figur of speech; but may not of our reader deceive themselves by such wishful thinking. There is just as much proof in the Scriptures that there is a hell as the there is a heaven. The most awful words are used to describe hell, just as the most wonderful words are used to describe heaven.
Dear reader, ber warned, if you are not saved, and “Flee from the wrath to come,” we beseech you. The most soemn warnings about the awful place of judgment, fell from the lips of the Saviour Himself, because He does not want you to go there. He Himself has provided a way of escape—a sure way— through His atoning blood which can cleanse away all your sins.
It is true that some of the references to “hell” in Scripture are not about the lake of fire, but refer to “the unseen world” (as it is in the original language in which the Bible was written. But do not let anyone deceive you in saying that, because of this, the scriptures which speak of “hell” where the rich man was placed (Luke 16:23) and “everlasting punishment,” refer only to the grave. God says ther is a place of “everlasting punishment,” and He wants to save you from it. Are you saved?
1.What verse shows clearly that there is everlasting punishment? Matt. 25.
2.When will the fires of hell be quenched? Mark 9.
3.Did the Lord Jesus bring the fear of hell before His hearers? Luke 12.
4.How long will the devil and those with him be tormented in hell? Revelation.
5.What solemn question was asked by Isaiah about the everlasting burnings? Isaiah 33.
6. Who has the keys of hell and of death? Revelation.
7. Where are death and hell cast at the great white throne? Revelation.
ML 06/05/1951