1.Did the multitude begin to eat before the Lord blessed the food?
2.What does the Lord say of those who are ashamed of Him?
3.What did the Lord say to Martha when she grumbled because she had to serve alone?
4.What else should we do besides “hear the Word of God”?
5.Whom did the Lord say should be feared?
6.What will the Lord say to those who knock at the door of mercy once it has been shut?
7.What causes joy in the presence of the angels of God?
The Young People’s Class
1. Who has taught us to love one another? 1 Thessalonians.
2. How much are we to love one another? John 15.
3. What is the “message that ye have heard from the beginning”? 1 John.
4. Did the fact that the Corinthian believers loved Paul the less for his faithfulness, change his love to them? 2 Corinthians 12.
5. What could be said of the charity (love) of the Thessalonians towards each other? 2 Thessalonians.
6. Does charity (divine love) seek her own? 1 Corinthians.
7. How will all men know that we are Christ’s disciples? John 13.
ML 06/07/1953