The Children’s Class
1.“Come unto Me.”
2.“The Son of man came.”
3.“Cometh in the name of the Lord.”
4.“All things are ready: come.”
5.“Coming in the clouds of heaven with power.”
6.“Come, ye blessed of My Father.”
7.“Came and rolled back the stone.”
The Young People’s Class Justification
1.What is the honest conclusion of those who would seek to JUSTIFY themselves? Job 9.
2.Can man be JUSTIFIED by his own works? Galatians 2.
3.What is the ground of our being JUSTIFIED and saved from the coming wrath? Rom.
4.Is there a price or limit to the grace of God in His work of JUSTIFICATION through redemption? Rom.
5.How can we have peace with God about being JUSTIFIED? Rom.
6.Will anyone ever be able to bring anything to the charge of those whom God JUSTIFIES? Rom.
7.If we acknowledge that our offenses caused the death of the Lord Jesus, what evidence proclaims our complete JUSTIFICATION? Rom.
ML 11/07/1965