OUR Bible Animal for this month is the Ass; our picture is of the wild ass; in your replies you will have to tell us all the texts which speak of the ass, whether wild or domesticated, and you will not forget the ass’s colt. To do this you will have again to search through Old and New Testaments. First. There will be all the texts in the Bible which speak of the ass to be written out. Second. All that you can find out from the Bible about the history of the ass, and the uses to which it was put will have to be told. Third. You must give us what the Bible tells us in prophecy about this animal, which, as you may know, is regarded as a royal bearer in the East.
Please send in your replies not later than the 28th of the month, for we wish to have all your answers in our hands by the last day of March. We furnish you with address as before, and you can refer to the January number for further information.
EL L. H., Care of Mr. ALFRED HOLNEEE, 21, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.
The prizes for best answers will be— First prize, “The Insect World,” 579 illustrations. Second prize, “Kane’s Arctic Voyages.” Illustrated. For further particulars, see page 3 of Cover opposite.