The man of God from Judah, who had been so faithful, was now caught in the snare laid for his feet by the old prophet of Bethel. The thought of a little fellowship with another prophet in his lonely pathway, and some refreshment for his journey seemed very pleasant. But what about the word of the Lord? Had He not made it clear that he was not to do this? The temptation proved too much for him, however, and he chose the fellowship of one in a wrong position, instead of treading the path of obedience alone. It makes our hearts sad as we read the story, and especially when we know that there are many dear children of God who are doing the same thing today. They are quite clear as to their path from the Word of God, and yet to please some fellow Christian they will go back. They will give up their separated walk, to show so-called “brotherly love” to someone in an unscriptural position. Perhaps such friends may be ignorant of the truth, and walking up to the light they have, but we are responsible to obey God rather than man when we know His mind. God does not change His Word to suit our circumstances. It is the same when some great preacher is in town, as when he is not. It is the same when we are visiting away from home, like this man of God was, as when we are at home. It is the same when our brethren know what we are doing, as when they do not know, for the Lord knows, as He did here. It is with Him we have to do.
Soon the man of God was seated at the table in the old prophet’s home, eating and drinking with him, in positive disobedience to the word of the Lord. The old prophet knew he was wrong too, and the Lord made him tell the man of God that he would come under His dealing hand for what he had done. Many of those who are in an unscriptural position know they are wrong, and are quick to notice any ionsistency in those who are in the path of the truth. Sad to say they would like to turn us out of the path and then point an accusing finger like the old prophet here.
What the old prophet said on this occasion proved to be true, for not long after the man of God had gone from his house, a lion met him in the way and killed him. God did not allow the lion to tear the body of the man of God in pieces, nor even to kill the ass, for all creation is under His hand. Things do not happen by chance in the Christian’s life, for we are in the Lord’s hands. The lion here is a type of the devil, and the Lord may allow one of His own to come under the power of Satan to teach him lessons he ought to have learned at His side. This was the case with Job, Peter, and others, as well as the man of God in our chapter. Satan can never rob a true believer of eternal salvation, any more than the lion could tear this man of God to pieces, but it is only by walking in the path of obedience and dependence that we are kept from his wiles. “By the word of Thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer.” Psalm 17:4.
When the old prophet heard what had taken place, he went out to where the man of God had been killed by the lion, took up his body and buried him. He mourned for him too, saying, “Alas, — brother!” He requested that when he died he would be buried by his side, for he said he knew that what he had spoken was the truth. May we be content to be misunderstood, as long as we have the Lord’s approval.
ML 04/01/1956