Bible Talks: Abraham the man of faith -Genesis 21:14-21

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Genesis 21:14-21
“And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar... and the child, and sent her away: and she departed.” verse 14.
It had been grievous to Abraham to part with Ishmael, but when certain that this was in accordance with God’s mind, he took care of it “early in the morning.” It was characteristic of this patriarch to give prompt attention to the things required of him. Would it not also be well if others more faithfully followed the same pattern? How often grief or trial or self-indulgence is prolonged because one lacks the courage or determination to immediately take care of its correction! Dear reader, if you have put off settling the question of your soul’s salvation, how important it is to immediately own your place as a lost sinner, guilty bore God, aware of impending judgment and turn to Christ as your personal Saviour. Postponing such an important matter would prove eternally tragic if death should overtake you, or the door of mercy be closed, while you were delaying a decision.
The daily walk of every child of God will also, from time to time, require judging and severing things unsuited to a heavenly calling. Attachment to Ishmael was very real with Abraham, but had to be cut off before God could bestow full blessing. In the believer today the old nature, sometimes referred to as “the flesh” must be dealt with too, no matter how great the cost. Turning to God in such a problem will provide courage and strength for the task. May it ever be in the attitude of “early in the morning” that such matters are taken care of.
In actuality, while Abraham definitely cast Ishmael out, the Ishmaelites were always near the children of Israel in later years, intruding to their harm wherever they could. The child of God today never should forget the old nature, even when dealt with, is still energetic and will interfere with his Christian walk at every opportunity. A very real dependence on God to preserve the heart from returning to old attachments or finding attraction in new ones is all that will keep the believer from contamination with the old nature.
Hagar and Ishmael wandered in the wilderness. When their water was spent Hagar resigned herself to the death of her child, but God graciously heard his cries and disclosed a well of water, after which their spirits were revived. God answered the cries of Ishmael when he came to the end of himself, just as He in mercy will always hear the cries of all who call on Him in sincerity.
“And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer. And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran: and his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt.” 10:20,21. We leave Ishmael here. His place was in the wilderness and an Egyptian wife only added to the worldly affiliations that were to mark his entire life.
Memory Verse: “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.
ML 11/14/1965