Bible Talks: The Tent

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 13
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Exodus 26:7-13
NEXT TO THE “tabernacle,” or coverings of fine twined linen, came the “tent” of goats’ hair. This, like the “rough garment” of the prophet, speaks to us of the holy devotedness and separatedness of the Lord Jesus who was “a Nazarite from the womb,” who was “holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners” in everything. He was the “prophet” long foretold (Deut. 18: 18), the blessed Spokesman and Witness for God, for whose sake He came, “a stranger to His brethren,” and an alien to His mother’s children” (Psa. 69:8), wholly devoted to God.
There were eleven curtains of goats’ hair, and extended beyond on all sides, so as completely to protect the beautiful curtains of fine twined linen. This would tell us then that the Lord Jesus in all that He was, as set forth by the inner curtains, was guarded by that perfect separation from evil in all the holiness and purity of His words and deeds. He could say to His enemies, “Which of you convinceth Me of sin?” John 8:46; and to His own on another occasion, “The prince of this world cometh, and has nothing in Me.” John 14:30.
The curtains of goats’ hair were joined together with couplings of brass. Brass in Scripture speaks of God’s righteousness in dealing with sin, and this thought comes out in a special way at the brazen altar. Tested by divine righteousness in His path all through this world of sin, He was morally separate from sinners, as the perfect witness for God in the earth, wholly devoted to His glory in holy separation from all that dishonored Him, or questioned His claims as God.
Like the sixth curtain of goats’ hair, doubled in the forefront of the tabernacle, we see in Him unflinching devotedness and faithfulness to God, nor could the pitiless storm which the hatred of men and devils so unceasingly rained upon Him pierce or weaken it in the least. He was wholly given up to do the will of God at all cost, and would not swerve. This was in the very “fore-front” of His one purpose in coming to this earth (Psa. 46:10) for this in grace He veiled His glories, as the tent of goats’ hair concealed the beautiful curtains of the tabernacle. He was “clad with zeal as with a cloak,” — zeal for God — onward through all opposition, every form of suffering, cruelty, shame and anguish, down to death itself, even the death of the cross, so that God might be glorified (John 13:31). Oh! how much more beauty there is in this tent of goats’ hair than some would suppose: Perhaps the eleven curtains of goats’ hair instead of ten might tell us that the Lord Jesus not only answered to every claim of the ten broken commandments and removed the curse of the broken law, but His work on the cross goes infinitely further than the law demanded. It has brought us to the Father, to a place of blessing and favor, far more wonderful than we could ever have enjoyed had we never broken the law.