Exodus 35-40
Once again the Sabbath is mentioned, for God delights to remind His people of His rest. It was always connected with His covenants with them, and although they could never earn it, it will finally be brought to them through God’s faithfulness, founded upon redemption.
How the enemy would like to have hindered the building of the tabernacle, and if God had not intervened in grace when the people fell to worshiping the golden calf, if would never have been built at all, but “the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” Romans 11:29. It was to be a pattern of things in the heavens, and also of the future blessing of Israel, and how the enemy would oppose anything that speaks of the grace of God—but God’s grace triumphed and it was built.
And so these chapters 35 to 40 show us how everything was finally built according to the pattern which God had shown Moses. We will not go into any detail here, for we have already spoken of the typical meaning of the furniture and so forth, but undoubtedly these chapters have an important lesson for us. We have the Word of God to guide us just “as the Lord commanded Moses,” and now God is writing in His book above as to how we are carrying out the “pattern” which He has given us. As He looks down does He see us seeking to walk for His glory in this wilderness scene? Our lives are like “living epistles” which others can see too, and how watchful we should be. Alas, we must all confess how we have failed, but there is a day coming when every believer will be just like the “Pattern”—just like Christ. Yes, God’s grace will someday triumph in all the redeemed!
At last the tabernacle was finished and set up, with everything in its right place, and then the glory of God came down upon it. God could dwell in the midst of His people, but still in the thick darkness, because there could not he nearness, nor could God be fully revealed, until Christ had accomplished redemption. Now the veil has been rent so that God can come out in the fullness of His grace, and we who are saved can go into His presence “accepted in the Beloved.” Ephesians 1:6. We can now look up by faith and “see Jesus ... .crowned with glory and honor.” Hebrews 2:9.
As the children of Israel went from place to place in their wilderness journey they must await guidance from above. They did not move until the cloud moved, and when it did move they must move too. If they had remained, it would have been to remain without the Lord’s presence. What a lesson for us, dear young reader. Let us not run from place to place just for our own advantage, but let us be ready to pull up and go if and when the Lord gives us “marching orders.” We cannot do anything without Him (John 15:5) but we can do and endure all things in His strength. (Phil. 4:13.) May we ever be found leaning upon His blessed arm!
We have, we trust, gleaned a little from this deeply interesting book. of Exodus. It began with the children of Israel as slaves in Egypt, and then told of how God provided a way of shelter from the judgment that fell upon that dark land, by the blood of the passover lamb. Then there was the passage through the Red Sea where Pharaoh’s hosts were overthrown. What patience God displayed with His people through the wilderness journey which followed, and even when they had asked for, and broken, His holy law, in grace He found a way whereby He could bless them—all in view of Christ’s perfect work on Calvary the ground of all blessing.
ML 06/25/1950